Genética y bases moleculares de enfermedades complejas

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  • Project ID: FIS ICI21/00022 Name of the PI: Celia Oreja Guevara Title: EFICACIA Y SEGURIDAD DEL CROMOGLICATO COMO NUEVO TRATAMIENTO SINTOMÁTICO EN PACIENTES CON ESCLEROSIS MÚLPLE: ESTUDIO CAMINA Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Amount of funding and duration: 733.216 euros / 2022-2025

  • Project ID: PID2021-126041OB-I00 Name of the PI: Roberto Alvarez Lafuente Title: Factores ambientales y sistema inmune de los pacientes con esclerosis múltiple. Una aproximación global. Funding agency: Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2021 Amount of funding and duration: 163.350 € / 2022-2025

  • Project ID: FIS PI20/01634 Name of the PI: Elena Urcelay / Laura Espino Title: Exploring the damage in multiple sclerosis Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Amount of funding and duration: 154.880 euros / 2021-2023

  • Project ID: PID2019-108435RB-I00 Name of the PI: Manuel González Penedo (colaborators: Celia Oreja Guevara, Judit Díaz Díaz, Irene Gómez Estévez, Eduardo Martínez Pérez) Title: Quantification and computational characterization of multimodal ophthalmologic image: studies in multiple sclerosis Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Amount of funding and duration: 213.565 euros / 2020-2023

  • Project ID: PID2019-109858RB-I00 Name of the PI: Fernando de Castro Soubriet / Celia Oreja Guevara Title: Search for an effective remyelination in multiple sclerosis Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Amount of funding and duration: 108.900 euros / 2020-2023

  • Project ID: H2020-EU.3.1.7. (IMI2Call) 831434 Name of the PI: Roberto Álvarez Lafuente Title: 3TR: Taxonomy, treatment, targets and remission. Identification of the molecular mechanisms of non-response to treatments, relapses and remission in autoimmune, inflammatory, and allergic conditions Funding agency: European Comission. Amount of funding and duration: 139.980€ / 2019-2026

  • Project ID: FIS PI18/00989 Name of the PI: Concepción Núñez Title: Seronegative celiac disease: characterization and search for biomarkers. Application to the study of inflammatory bowel disease Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Amount of funding and duration: 87.120 euros / 2019-2021

  • Project ID: FIS PI18/00204 Name of the PI: Roberto Álvarez Lafuente Title: Short chain fatty acids and multiple sclerosis: correlation with acetate, propionate and butyrate levels from microbiota with the progression and activity of disease and study of the possible effect on the patients’ immune system Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Amount of funding and duration: 123.420 euros / 2019-2021

  • Project ID: RD16/0015/0013 Name of the PI: Maria Luisa Villar (Network PI), Elena Urcelay (Hospital Clínico San Carlos PI) Title: RED ESPAÑOLA DE ESCLEROSIS MÚLTIPLE (REEM) Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Amount of funding and duration: 178.875 euros (budget for HCSC group) / 2017-2021

  • Project ID: FIS PI 16/01259. Name of the PI: Elena Urcelay. Title: Esclerosis múltiple: de los polimorfismos de riesgo a las rutas implicadas a través del transcriptoma. Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Amount of funding and duration: 2017-2019. 86.515 euros.